Friday, December 16, 2011

Step Taking...

You have started taking a few up to as many as 8 at a time!!!

Lots Of New Words...

You have been talking a lot lately.  Your also signing a ton more.  Here are some of your new words: push, up, down, poop, me... A couple new signs: help, me, drink and baby.  Im so proud of you...your language is just exploding <3<3<3

Friday, February 4, 2011


You have been working on your next 2 top teeth for a good month or so now.  Well they made their appearance today!!!!  Both of them at the same time! <3<3<3

Love you lil man!

A couple days later mommy discovered that you had your first molar (top left) looks like it came in the same time.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


 Your bottom was looking a bit sore tonight, so we were giving you some air time and you started eying Ayden's potty chair so I sat you on it so you could check it out (we have been doing it here and there so it wasn't totally new.)

Let it be known that Saturday January 29th 2011 at approximatively 7:35pm you not only pee'd, but you also pooped on the potty for the first time EVER!!!

We yelled and screamed and gave you tons of praise, and you just beamed!  <3<3<3

You rock baby!  We love you!!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Growing, Growing, Growing!!

Took you in for another weigh in yesterday...You are now 19lbs 5oz and 28 inches long.   In the last 2 months you have gained 2.5 lbs and grown 1 inch.....

I am so proud of you...your finally growing well again-like a weed :D

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A HUGE Milestone!!!

Ok kid, first of all let me tell you that I am in awe of you every always keep my guessing, running crazy and on my toes!

Tonight you did something I didnt anticipate you doing for awhile yet.  I was cleaning out your closet and you were sitting in the crib and you pulled yourself up and stood.  I am shocked!  I knew you had been trying, but up until tonight, the best you had done was get up on your knees....To make it even better you did it multiple times, sitting back down and then pulling yourself up even did a little dance when you were standing.

You are amazing!  I love you to the ends of the earth and back! XOXOXOX

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Tooth number 4 has made its appearance!!!  (Second top tooth) It finally quit playing peek-a-boo yesterday!  Your working on 2 more top ones, but they are still a way behind this one....

You amaze me every day!  I love you!

Friday, December 10, 2010

You've Got Skills! :)

You so rock little man!  Today you sat yourself up from laying down for the first time!

You make me so proud....<3<3<3

Friday, December 3, 2010

New Sign...

This morning after you were all done eating breakfast, I asked you if you were all done, and signed it to you, you did not respond at all so I asked and signed again, afterwards signing and asking "Yes?"  and you signed "yes" I am so proud of you!

Your learning new things almost every day.  You amaze me!


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I love you!

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile has kept us pretty busy.

I just wanted to come by and tell you I love you.

You are an awesome little dude! <3<3<3

Friday, October 29, 2010

3rd Tooth Is In!!!

You got your 3rd tooth today, it is your first tooth on the top...the front left :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

A new sign

Today you signed ''all done''  you were eating a snack and when you saw that you didn't have any more you got this worried look on your face and started screaming and shaking your hands ''all done, all done'' You were trying to tell me that you didn't like that they were all gone, because you were VERY excited when I offered you more!  <3 I love you!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Your really getting the hang of scooting...You scoot different than your brother roll onto your side and then reach forward with the arm that is up as you roll back onto your tummy...your starting to get into a pretty good rhythm!  its really cute!

We are so proud of you!!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

New sign

You started signing more had biter biscuits in both hands, but I guess that wasn't enough because you kept vigorously signing 'MORE, MORE, MORE' lol  your too funny!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Word

Today you looked at daddy and said Da-Da and gave him a big smile!!!  Your getting so big...its hard to believe that in just 9 short days you will be a year old...where did the year go??

We love you tons

Mum and Da-Da!


Friday, September 3, 2010

New Tooth

You got your second tooth today! :)  Love you so much little man!


Friday, August 6, 2010

First Trip To The Fair....

Well little man, you went to the fair today!  We had so much fun!!! You slept in the Moby Wrap through all of the horses, but when we got to the cows you couldn't get enough!  You just  laughed and laughed-I am not sure what was so funny-maybe they looked funny to you?!?!? laughed especially hard when they moo'ed.....Brother got brave and WALKED through the pig and cow exhibits, even giggling at a pig who was snorting at us.  We saw a man who was sculpting a fish out of a peice of wood...that was really neat!!!  We had a great time and you both are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!

Love you lil man!!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


You have been trying to get your teeth for a little while now, and you had been pretty grumpy the past couple weeks so I knew they were getting close.  This morning you were  in the playroom playing with some blocks when all of a sudden you started screaming and biting on your little fists.   so I checked your mouth thinking that maybe you had hit yourself with a block.  Only to discover a pointy little tooth!  :)  It is your front bottom left tooth that came in...and it feels like the right is not too far behind...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I took you outside and let you play in the grass for the first time today.  Now that your sitting great I thought it would be a fun experience for LOVED it...did nothing but giggle and smile the whole time...and you kept ripping up the grass and trying to eat it!  It was rock!

I love you more than you will ever know! :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Going to the Zoo

Well Levi, you have officially had your very first trip to the zoo.  We went to Binder Park Zoo in Battle Creek with your brother Ayden, Nana and Aunt Sarah.  We had lots of slept through most of it, but you were VERY curious about the giraffes...I am planning to take you and Ayden again a few more times before it gets cold again!

I love you bug!

Sleeping when we got there!

Your little piggies

sweet angel


Albino Peacock

Beautiful giraffes

you and your Nana



Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sitting Straight

Well my lovely little man....I you started sitting today!!!  I found out by were a little grumpy and didnt want to be held, or rocked, and you didnt want to lay and play with your favorite little piggies either, so I sat you up at one of your brother's toys, and you grabbed ahold of it and started playing.  After a few minutes you got brave and let were so proud of yourself and I clapped and yelled "YEY LEVI!!" which you thought was the best thing ever...I even got pictures!!

Here are some from a few days later when you were sitting and playing with your brother...

He sure does love you!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hanging with the Kribs

We got together with our friends for a play day today!  Little Owen was born with the same midwives we had when you were born, and he is in the "up" club too!  Ayden had a blast playing with Owen and the girls! We wore those girls out!!!!!

We got to meet Wendi's neice Kristian too!  She LOVED Levi!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Well little man, you havent been feeling to good lately!  You sounded pretty weezy the past couple of days, so I took you in to see uncle Tim.  You get to take some more breathing treatments-oh joy! :)  and now you have to take a steroid for 4 days.  Your also on some zantac twice a day for some reflux issues, hopefully that will make you feel better soon and stop spitting up and gaging so much!!!  I sure hope you feel better really soon!!

On a wonderful note, you started giggling today! HOORAY for you! Daddy and I are SO proud of you! You amaze us everyday!  We love you a ton!!!

Here is a picture of you sleeping...I had a hard time getting you to go to sleep that day and this was the only way you would calm down...Laying on the boppy pillow on your belly! :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Smiles, Cooing, and a night of good sleep!

Yesterday, Levi started smiling a lot! Up until then, we would get one maybe 2 smiles a day, but last night he started smiling almost constantly when we talk to him! And he  started telling stories last night too! multipul coos in a row, before it was just one coo at a time, and he was usually complaining!

Here is the real kicker though! He then proceeded to sleep from 12am until 7am!! SCORE! Mommy got a whole 7 hours of sleep-that is the longest he has ever slept!!!!  I feel like a new mommy! :)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Clute Family Thanksgiving

Daddy and little Levi!

All the cousins! (minus Dustin)


Thanks Great Grandma and Grandpa! We love Scout!


Baby toes and angry baby!

He was pushing up to stand, and all of a sudden he got REALLY pissed!!!


Beautiful Baby Blues!

Eyes of an angel!

Looks just like his daddy in this one!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Two Months Old!

Levi is growing like a weed!

Precious little fingers!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

update time...

Levi is doing well, and growing like a weed!  He had his 2 month check-up on monday, and he was 11lbs 12oz and 22inches long!  I cant believe that he is already 2 months old! It is going by so fast!

He was ahead of schedule with his rolling...he did that at 5 weeks, but his smiles were a bit delayed, we just got the first one on sunday.  He is not all that generous with the smiles either, we get one maybe 2 a day at this point, but when we get them, they make our hearts melt!  When he gave us the first one it brought tears to my eyes-every milestone is such a blessing and a reason to celebrate!

 We are looking forward to watching him grow, and to see what kind of person he will be. I personally cant wait to see what his personality brings! Ayden is such a goof-ball and I really hope Levi will be the same! They both keep us smiling-and that helps us get through the days!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Aunt Pam Meets Levi! :)

Pam is like a second mom to me! I love her with all my heart! 

Nana strikes again!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Levi Faces

Bath time & Kisses from mommy...

Levi loves his bath time...and usually ends up asleep by the time we are done...guess the water helps him relax! :)

Snuggles from brother....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Today you are 5 weeks old. I cant believe it has been that long-it has gone by so fast!

This morning we were doing tummy time, and you rolled over from tummy to back...I thought maybe it was a fluke, so I tried laying you on your belly again and you rolled right over-I kept trying to see if you would do it again (4 times in all) and every time you did!

Ayden didn't do that until 3 months! What an angel you are!

We love you!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Your Arrival Into this World

My Little Levi,

Mommy wanted to share with you the story of how you entered into this world. You caused quite a stir!

Well my little man, lets start at the beginning. We had been seeing the midwives at the Greenhouse Birth center for all of our prenatal care. Around our 30 week visit the midwives felt to see which way you were laying in mommy's tummy. You were head down and all was well. When we went back in for our next visit, they said that it felt like you had turned and were butt down...(Mommy thought: 'my little monster...Your going to be quite the trouble maker arn't you?') At that point it was not a huge deal, and we just had to wait and see what happened. as the weeks went by it didn't feel like your little butt was going to move anywhere. Around 35 weeks mommy decided to start seeing a chiropractor. Thinking that maybe if we lined up all the bones in my pelvis the way they belonged, and loosened the muscles on my uterus it would give you enough room to turn and settle into the right position. So I started seeing them 3 times a week! They are wonderful and I absolutely love them! But despite all our best efforts you still wouldn't move...

Tuesday September 15th 2009, I woke up to signs of labor. I had laid in bed watching a movie with your big brother Ayden. When the movie was over I got up to use the bathroom, and had a good amount of fluid leak when I stood up. I wondered if maybe there was a leak in the amniotic sac so I called the birth center. It was a busy morning there! Mitzi answered the phone and said she would have Clarice call back because there were two moms in labor and close to pushing. So mommy waited. While waiting to hear back from Clarice I had a little spotting so I took note of it and what time it was so I would remember to tell her. I had a feeling that something was different, and I began to put the house together thinking we could be in for a long day.Clarice called back about an hour later and told me that she would like to see me to see if it was my water that broke or if it was something else. So mommy called daddy and told him what was going on. We decided that I would pick him up from work on my way to the birth center, and then we would go to lunch after we saw Clarice. Mommy got big brother dressed and packed him into the car for the ride. Once we got there Clarice did whats called a ferning test, and it was negative, so it seemed that we had bypassed that for the time being. She checked to see if i was dilated, she said I was a 3 and stretchy, but my cervix was still thick. There was thought that maybe it was the start of early labor, but we didn't know for sure.

while we were at the birth center, we discussed our options for delivery with Clarice. She asked me "what scares you more? Having a baby breech, or having a cesarean?" My response was that the c-section was more scary! (I am terrified of needles, and of major surgeries!) so she told us what we were looking at if we wanted to try a natural birth...we learned that if you were frank breech, like we thought you were, that it would be the safest way to even try having a natural delivery. She told us that it was the safest way because there was less chance of a prolapsed cord...but that if you were to come feet first that it was the most risky. I knew that I wanted to do what was safest for both you and I. So we decided to set up an ultrasound to see what position you were in for sure! They were on lunch, so Mitzi said she would call us when she knew what they had open.

We left and found a place to eat. A couple minutes after we sat down Mitzi called and said that they only had a 2 o'clock open that day and that it was the only opening all week. so we took it, and had to skip out on lunch. At the ultrasound, the technician said you were butt down. Mommy was so happy to hear that, it meant that I would at least be able to try a vaginal delivery! Clarice had told us that if we decided to attempt a normal delivery, things would have to move along smoothly and I would have to continue dilating at a decent pace. We knew that if we had any hiccups during labor it would mean a transfer and a c-section. But going off what the tech had told us, I knew that I wanted to try it and that if I had to admit defeat later that i would!

I had been having some contractions over the coarse of the day, but nothing that screamed labor. Just different than the normal toning contractions. We went to Target and got some newborn diapers for you since mommy had been forgetting to buy them and some disposables for big brother so that we wouldn't have to worry about washing our cloth the first few weeks after you were born. (Daddy bought the new Wolverine movie-it came out that day...) Then, daddy and I decided to take Ayden out to the Ukai restaurant on Saginaw and have dinner together since we hadn't got a chance to share lunch. During dinner, mommy started having some contractions that were more uncomfortable. I kept telling daddy that I just wanted to get up and walk. When we left from dinner, mommy made daddy go to Kroger and get some granola and vanilla yogurt because I was craving a parfait. I waited in the car with your big brother while he ran in. while he was inside, I had a couple contractions that just about took my breath away. but I still thought that it was nothing.

When we got home it was about 9:30-10:00pm. We got Ayden all tucked into bed, and we laid down in our room and started the new movie daddy had bought. Mommy only laid there for about 5 minutes before I had to get up and move. I started pacing the hallway, and then ended up in the dinning room leaning over a chair... i was getting to where i was so uncomfortable that I needed to focus and told daddy not to talk to me. I decided a nice bath and beer were what i needed to calm down the contractions...(we were still 3 weeks from your due date, and I had so much false labor with your brother that I was still thinking that it was all in my head.) While I was in the tub I called your Nana (my mom) because she had told me earlier in the day to call her later, but I had forgotten until I talked to your Nana for a little while while i was in the tub having contractions. I didn't even tell her that I was having any. :) (It was around 10:40pm) I look back at that now and wonder why i didn't mention it...

Around 1am I felt that i needed to urinate, so i got out of the tub and sat on the toilet. I soon discovered that I would not be getting up! I was most comfortable sitting there. I finally decided that it was real labor and told daddy to call the midwife. I called my dad and told him that i needed him to come up and watch your brother so we could go to the birth center. Papa lives about 45 minutes away, and we thought that we had enough time...but after a short while Darrel called our neighbor sonny to stay with Ayden until my dad got here so that we could leave for the birth center. by the time she got to our house, only about 10 minutes later I couldn't stand up...when i tried it felt like you were going to fall right out of me...daddy got back on the phone with Clarice, and told her that i couldn't get up and we were not going to make the move. Clarice said that she would head over, and as daddy was giving her directions to the house, I started to feel like I needed to push, so i did and my water broke. I was still in disbelief that I was even in labor, so as i was sitting there laughing i called out to your daddy "that was my water!" He was still on the phone with Clarice and told her that my water had broke. (She told me later that when daddy told her that, she knew she was not going to make it.) Your papa got there a couple minutes later to sit with your brother who had been wide awake since about 1:30am. We asked sonny to stay and direct the midwives to us when they got there.

Mommy contractions stopped for a few minutes after the water broke. oddly enough, I got on the phone with your Nana and told her what had happened. I started to have a contraction when I was talking to her, and told her "I'm gonna have to call you back" I yelled for daddy to come grab some towels and I started pushing...after only a few seconds of pushing daddy said "oh crap, its a foot." This is the point at which mommy started to freak out! I was in tears thinking that I was going to hurt you...I told daddy "what do i do? I don't wanna keep pushing and hurt him" because at this point we only had your left leg out up to the thigh, and I kept thinking that your other foot was caught up higher and I was afraid that if i kept pushing it would hurt you. daddy told me "Just do what you have to do, and we will figure it out" I am so proud of daddy for being so calm and pulling me back together! I told your daddy that I had to find your other foot, so I started feeling around for it and found it wedged up behind your left leg...I was able to wiggle it down, but then we noticed that your legs were all tied up in your cord. I told daddy "we have to get him untangled" but of course he was a step ahead of me and already working on it. at this point all that was running through my head was 'I have to get him out NOW his cord is compressed and he isn't getting enough oxygen' so I kept pushing with all my might...even when I wasn't having contractions. You came flying out into daddy's loving arms within 5 minutes of us seeing your foot. It was 2:30am on September 16th 2009. You were born in transition from squatting over the toilet to squatting on the floor. Your cord was short, and you barely reached my belly. You did not cry right away, and mommy cried as she rubbed you and kept telling you it was ok, and that you could cry now. you let out a good wail within a minute. at which point my tears went from tears of sheer terror to tears of absolute ecstasy!

Clarice and Audra arrived within 5-10 minutes of your arrival to this world. I was sad that they had missed the whole thing, because it was quite an experience, but I was so grateful that they were there to help us finish everything. Audra was a life saver! She cleaned up the mess that we had created in the bathroom, so I had one less thing to worry about!!! Clarice and Daddy took you into our bedroom while Audra helped deliver the placenta. I got cleaned up a bit and into bed. Clarice checked you over and measured you 19 inches. Audra did the official weigh in...6lbs 2oz. You were perfect! Clarice asked us to take you into the pediatrician that morning when they opened to have you looked over. your abdominal muscles have now grown together, and she wanted to have them make sure it was not a hernia. (Clarice got the ultrasound results back the next day. It said footling breech. I am happy that it all turned out well, but if i had known i would have went right to the hospital at ANY sign of labor.)

So no one slept that night, and as soon as the pediatricians office opened we called and got an appointment. Daddy's uncle Tim is your doctor. His office is in Jackson so it is a bit of a drive, but we feel that it is worth it. He checked you blood sugars and hemoglobin by finger prick and the blood sugar was fine, but the hemoglobin was higher than he would have liked to see. He sent us over to the special care unit at Allegiance Health there in Jackson. He wanted to have a vain draw done and oxygen levels checked. Mom was very upset and emotional at the whole idea, especially after he told us that if the hemoglobin was as high as it was with the finger prick that they would probably admit you. I cried most of the time we were there, and sobbed when they took you blood, you were screaming so hard. We were very fortunate that everything looked ok and we got to go home.

Uncle Tim asked us to come back the next day because he wanted to look at a few other things. that evening as I sat and looked at you I told your daddy "He looks like a baby with Downs Syndrome" I am not sure why I thought that other than that your face reminded me of children with it. I figured maybe you were just puffy and it would go away. The next day at the doctors office, Uncle Tim told your daddy that he wanted to test you for Downs...We had not said a word about even thinking it so it did catch us off guard. Once again you went back to the hospital for another vain draw. Your billiruben levels were pretty high too, and so they sent us home with a Billi-Blanket . we were told that it would take 4-5 days to get your results back from the chromosome in the mean time I cried, I cried a lot!

Day 7: The results were in...Your test came back positive...The results took me to to floor. I did not expect to fall like that, I couldn't even stand up. I held you and sobbed, I shook uncontrollably. I felt like screaming at the world. How could this happen to us? why me? why you? It felt like someone took a part of you away. A part of you that I had longed to meet but never will.


Day 11 (today- September 27th 2009): I still feel like I am on the floor. I still cry often. I still fell that someone took away that perfect child that I had longed to meet. I know now that I will never get to meet your children (unless you adopt)...You will never be valedictorian, or captain of the football team. But you know what my sweet angel, none of that matters now. I cant wait to see just who you will grow up to be. Or what you will do with your special gifts. I know that you will bring us much joy in the years to come, and that your love is going to make so many people happy. I hope your brother can understand that you are just like anyone else, but your a little more special, and thats why god gave you to us.

With all of my love

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